Four-Step Direct Assessment Process
Prior to engaging in the four step direct assessment process each category (or sub-category, when appropriate) must create a Category Coordinating Committee. The Category Coordinating Committee then works alongside the LAC Director to maintain on-going assessment.
While the expectation is that all categories engage in on-going assessment activities, it is expected that not all categories will maintain the exact same assessment timeline. While ideally, each step would take approximately one semester to complete, there will certainly be exceptions. For example, crucial to this four step process is the impact phase. This is the moment when faculty will need to engage in decision making and depending on the results, an alternative timeline project (i.e. major curriculum overhaul) may be proposed and then approval by LACC. However, in general the four step assessment process will culminate in one of the following responses: revise category goals/outcomes; refine assessment tool; and/or improve curriculum. The Category Coordinating Committee will work with the faculty and the LACC in order to determine the appropriate response and timeline.
In the event a Category Coordinating Committee decides that a major curriculum change is needed, they are advised to conduct a preliminary consultation with the LACC so that the two groups can create a plan of action that will address the curriculum changes as well as the plan for on-going assessment activities within the category.
Upon completion of Step 4, the chair of the Category Coordinating Committee submits an Assessment Report to the LAC Director and the LACC. In the event that the assessment activities for any given year do not culminate in completion of step 4, the Category Coordinating Committee shall submit to the LAC Director an Assessment Update describing the assessment activities undertaken during that academic year.