Learning Areas & Outcomes

UNIFI is based on student learning outcomes (SLOs), so the "why" and the "what" is clearly articulated about the value of what the general education program provides to students. These SLOs align with the top skills that emerge in the national surveys when employers are asked what they are seeking in potential employees.

UNIFI includes twelve different learning outcomes: Critical thinking, Writing, Speaking, Quantitative Reasoning, Collaboration, Diversity and Commonality, Human Condition, Scientific Reasoning, Creativity, Artistic Meaning, Values, Ethics. These SLOs are clustered among eight different learning areas: Written Communication, Oral Communication, Quantitative Reasoning, Human Condition Global, Human Condition Domestic, Scientific Reasoning, Human Expression, and Responsibility.  

Students will communicate with clarity, focus, organization and originality for specific purposes and audiences by reading, writing, speaking and listening.

  • Write effectively. (SLO 2 Written Communication)

  • Demonstrate competent listening and effective speaking skills in a variety of contexts. (SLO 3 Oral Communication)

Students will explore a range of identities, communities, cultures and conceptions of the human condition, within the United States and the world.

  • Examine human diversity and commonality. (SLO 6 Diversity and Commonality)

  • Work with others across differences to achieve shared goals. (SLO 5 Collaboration)

  • Analyze ideas, works or institutions as diverse conceptions of the human condition. (SLO 7 Human Condition)

Students will develop habits of mind characterized by thorough exploration of issues, ideas, histories, artifacts and theories, including the collection and analysis of evidence, before accepting or formulating an opinion or conclusion.

  • Engage in effective critical inquiry to address complex topics. (SLO 1: Critical Thinking)

Students will examine quantitative information to draw conclusions.

  • Frame and solve problems using quantitative reasoning. (SLO 4 Quantitative Reasoning)

Students will explore the world through the lens of scientific inquiry.

  • Critique claims using the tools of scientific inquiry. (SLO 8 Scientific Reasoning)

Students will explore the world through the lens of imagination and original ideas in a range of contexts.

  • Engage in a creative process to produce artistic work. (SLO 9 Creativity)

  • Interpret creative works and ideas as expressions of meaning and purpose. (SLO 10 Artistic Meaning)

Students will develop greater understanding of their personal and civic responsibilities by applying ethical reasoning to a range of human conduct.

  • Analyze the origins and consequences of one’s own personal values. (SLO 11 Values)

  • Apply ethical reasoning to important issues facing society. (SLO 12 Ethics)